Please Read This CAREFULLY before you order ........

1. Please chat us by Email : or LINE@ : @GZK7565L its @) the article (s) you intent to order, complete with your : 
( tolong kirim email ke atau line kami di @gzk7565l dilengkapi dengan data sbb: )
  1. Name 
  2. Address
  3. No. Handphone
  4. Items (sesuai dengan nama di catalog)
2. Within first hours after receipts of your order, we will feedback the order status to You. If the orders is confirmed ok, we will inform you the order code, total order amount to pay (this includes the price of the article (s) plus the JNE delivery costs), and our bank account number.
( dalam waktu secepatnya, alohafashion akan memproses orderan kamu. Alohafashion akan mengkonfirmasi orderan kamu dalam bentuk KODE ORDERAN, TOTAL yang harus dibayarkan beserta BIAYA ONGKOS KIRIM (sesuai tarif dan NO. REKENING kami )

Payment has to be made within 2 hours since we only reserve your order and keep the article (s) for 2 hours thereafter.
( reservasi barang dan pembayaran paling lambat dilakukan 2 jam setelah konfirmasi order diterima. Jika dalam jangka waktu tersebut tidak ada konfirmasi, maka pemesanan dianggap batal )

3. As soon as you have made the payment to us, please inform us the order code, when you paid, name of trasnfer, and total paid amount fot our verification.
( setelah melakukan pembayaran sesuai total jumlah total, harap beritahu secepatnya kepada Aloha Fashion beserta KODE ORDER dan NAMA yang mentransfer )

4. The parcel will be sent usually within 24 hours after receipt of payment.
( Paket akan dikirim dalam waktu 1x24 jam setelah pembayaran di terima )

Thank You,
Aloha Fashion
